deutsche Homepage   GMC MasterMind by Christine Moerth



The object of this game is to guess the sequence of a number of colored pegs the computer has selected at random. You can select with how many different colors and how many columns you want to play (3 - 7 each). With the number of colors and/or columns you can raise the severity code.

You start filling the holes at the bottom row with pegs, and each time you have completed a guess (i.e. filled all holes) the computer will respond by giving you one peg for each correct color - black if your guess was also in the right place, otherwise white - but you will not be informed about which colors and which place were correct. That part you will have to figure out for yourself.

If you haven't managed to guess the sequence in the 18th row, the game ends and you can try a new one.

GMC MasterMindHow to play GMC MasterMind
click here to enlarge

GMC MasterMind is Freeware. Freeware is... free. Just as you'd imagine it! The software was developed just for the sake of providing you, the end user, with a cool new application. If you really like GMC MasterMind, you might take a moment to send me a thank you note or some suggestions to improve the game.


03/26/2002 Version 1.00:
First release
05/03/2002 Version 1.10:
German menus and help integrated, they will be installed automatically if the language of the operating system is german
uninstall program integrated, so do not uninstall any older versions, GMC MasterMind will ask you during the Installation process
old HighScoreList will be taken over to the new version
game renamed because other games had the same name
some errors corrected
05/12/2002 Version 1.11:
help images corrected
11/18/2002 Version 1.12:
New HighScore table for each severity code
checkbox for automatic updates in settings dialog
some errors corrected
If UnInstall fails MMUnInstall.exe
11/28/2002 Version 1.13:
Download URL's corrected
If UnInstall fails MMUnInstall.exe
12/16/2002 Version 1.14:
Install/UnInstall errors solved
Download URL's updated

GMC MasterMind Forum:    

Current version: 1.14 Download MasterMind:

Download GMC MasterMind: mm114.exe

email to Christine Moerth
