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What is RemoteTray:

RemoteTray is a program which allows you to remove any window from the taskbar and add instead of this window a corresponding icon to the SystemTray. RemoteTray is Freeware. I am not responsible for any damage or lost of data caused by the use of this program.



  1. Copy RemoteTray.exe into the directory from the *.exe file you want to control.

  2. Then open the Autostart folder (or any other) and make a shortcut to RemoteTray.exe (Change the icon if you want).

  3. Now click on this new shortcut and fill out the fields as you can see in the screenshot samples.


RemoteTray Version 1.10 Filesize: 48 kB Shared Libraries Recommended!
RemoteTray Version 1.10 Filesize: 248 kB Static Libraries (use this version if you have not installed MFC42.dll ...)

RemoteTray Forum:    


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Email Autor: (Gerhard Mörth)

Last updated: 17.06.2001